school age

a safe and loving home away from home for your child

Kindergarten and up

activities and care at both of our locations

Our Alvarado location provides school-age care as needed for after-school care/evening and night care as long as space permits. During school breaks both locations will provide school-aged break camps as long as space is available.

various options for alvarado and eastridge

get in touch

what to expect from us

more than just after school care

We provide an encouraging and collaborative environment for all families. Let us know how we can support your family and we will do our best to provide that care.

healthy food for your child

Fun and Safe Playground for daily Fresh Air

a wholesome and encouraging environment

We will provide meals and snacks that meet the USDA guidelines for children if they are in attendance at the time it is served. All children participating in our food programs have family-style meals regardless of outside factors. 

We strive to get all children outside daily regardless of their age. We aim to take children in this room outside twice daily for a minimum of 30 minutes but that can be decreased if weather or children’s needs require it.

Our teaching team greets your precious child with love and warmth every day. You can be sure your child will learn, play, and grow up in a joyful and peaceful environment.

tailored routines for your child

real-time updates about your child


Routines are important to children of all ages. They help them know what to expect as well as what is expected of them. Therefore, this room works to provide consistent schedules with set mealtimes and routines including one nap a day.

We like to make sure you stay updated! Using the communication app, you will be able to keep up with your child’s daily activities including meals, naps and the occasional extra video or picture. 

Our teachers will use respect, kindness, and love in all of their interactions with your child. Your child will learn to self-express and to be aware of their inner landscape, the foundation for strong, healthy relationships, and happiness.

tailored lesson plans

Lesson plans will have modifications to meet the children where they are and help them develop further in social emotional (through positive care giver relationships), gross & fine motor skills, math, science, and early literacy.

development through play

Learning and growing through play every day – our teachers observe and play with your children to encourage their development. Not only is 1 on 1 play time utilized for individual development but so are small groups, circle time, outside time and mealtime.

social emotional development

All teachers participate in a social emotional development program to start implementing strategies in aiding the development of children in social emotional learning through Conscious Discipline.

creativity and problem solving

Your child learns how to plan, make decisions, and negotiate all while enjoying free play with friends. Teachers observe and gently guide your child as they play to learn new skills and meet developmental milestones.

a compassionate environment

Our teachers respond to your toddler’s big feelings with compassion and empathy. Helping your child understand their feelings teaches them self-awareness as they begin to regulate their own emotions and behavior.

individualized development and learning

enroll your child in after-school care today!

shaping and nurturing a
promising future and
community for our families

get info or schedule a tour

Going the extra mile means that if your child needs extra help, like speech or behavioral therapy, we can work with you to provide on-site support.

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